G loves pulling my carry-on. I think it might be time for her to get her own.
Big Poppa rented a house in Belize for a week and invited us.
Speer vacation selfie
United has done this on a few flights with her and I think it is so cool they still let kids go in the cockpit.
Graysen loves the first class towel.
When you land in Belize you have to take a puddle jumper over and waiting in this tiny airport always amuses me.
These are out of order from my regular camera and I'm to lazy to change them-so here are some pics of our fishing trip the first day. (I guess I need to fix my date on the camera)
There are sting rays everywhere in the shallow water.
But insane Daddy just jumps right in to look for cool things to show G on the ocean floor.
Oh-we are back to our boat road to the house on the first day.
sand angels
a traditional Belizian meal-that mystery meat wasn't for me
Shawn and I had lots of fun with this sleeping arrangement. His feet were hanging off that top bunk.
He put his best fishing attire on for the next morning.
I caught a sting ray-it was fast and hard to real in and I would prefer to not do that again.
German our boat captain cooked our lobster at the house. Belize is the only place I like lobster. I guess it doesn't get any fresher.
One last golf cart ride and quick swim before Daddy left for the airport to go to work.